Monday, February 10, 2014

American Girl Birthday/Tea Party

Last summer, we visited the American Girl Store in Chicago. While we were there, we had lunch in the cafe. My daughter immediately said she wanted to have her next birthday party there! Since we are from NC, I laughed and told her that wouldn't be possible. I did tell her that we could plan our own American Girl party though. So that's how all this craziness happened!

I designed about 10 invitations until I finally settled on this one!  Madison loves hearts and flowers, so this was a good combination for her! The picture was taken at the American Girl Store right after she got Caroline. We held this party in the same room my bridesmaids luncheon was held almost 12 years ago. It was so sentimental to be hosting my daughters 5th birthday party in the same location!

For our last few birthday parties, I've used Diddy Bop Bakery out of Gibsonville, NC. She is SO talented! Not only are her cakes beautiful, but they taste amazing! The cake is one she had done before and Madison and I both loved. I asked her to add the wooden number 5. I ordered the mini Caroline doll from the American Girl store. I love how it turned out!!

For the activities at the party, we decided it would be fun if all of her friends got their baby dolls ready for a fancy tea party. When they first got there, they visited Caroline's Dress Boutique. I made pillowcase dresses for all the girls to put on their dolls. 

I made all of the signs for the tables using the same design from the invitation.

After they were dressed, they visited Marie Grace's Hair Salon! I got tons of hair accessories at the Dollar Tree! Then I gathered up all of Madison's play hair toys. It was crazy all the things I found laying around the house! I got her the doll hair salon chair as a birthday gift. It was huge hit at the party. All the girls loved it. This is the Our Generation Target brand chair. Oh, the silver trays are also from the Dollar Tree. I use these for parties all the time. They wash in the dishwasher and don't rust! 

After the hair salon, they could put on fake make-up and painted their nails (with fake polish) at Saige's Beauty Parlor. I had several almost empty make-up containers that I cleaned out. Once they were clean, I poured cheap nail polish in them and let them dry out. Then I found old brushes and some cheap lip stick applicators that put out for them to use. For nail polish, I just emptied out some of our tiny bottles and cleaned the brushes.

The last stop was at Kit's Jewelry Studio! I found little pop beads for them to make necklaces and/or bracelets for their dolls. These beads were also at the Dollar Tree.

After the dolls were dressed and ready, they had a tea party! I set up tables for just the dolls to sit at. I wanted it too look like little girls set the table for a party. Once again, I gathered up all of Madison's tea pitchers and fake party food. We scattered that throughout the table. 

I could NOT find tea cups for the baby dolls that were the right size. I finally found this idea on Pinterest and knew it was perfect! I used the top part of an Easter Egg, a large button, and pearls. I used the glue gun to attach the button to the egg. Then I cut a small strand of pearls (I think I used 5 pearls on each handle) and then used the glue gun to attach these as well. I love how they turned out! 

At the American Girl Cafe, they give everyone a cinnamon roll when you sit down. I thought it'd be fun if we did the same. They served tiny ones to the dolls and regular size ones for the girls. It was so cute! 

I found these vases in the Dollar Spot at Target. I thought they would be perfect for the doll table! I made the flower out of vinyl on my Cricut. Then just put one gerber daisy in each vase.

I found all the fabric at a store in Wilmington, NC. They have beautiful fabric and everything is $7.99 a yard. I've been wanting to start a collection of table linens and thought this was a good time to get started! As soon as I saw this fabric, I knew it would be perfect! I love them both! I ran out of time, so my mom helped me finish sewing them!

For centerpieces, I found 4 large pitchers and put gerber daisy's in them. I'm not very good with flowers, so this was the best I could do!! I bought a pack of American girl stickers from Michael's that I put on the candles around the centerpieces. Madison also used them on the envelopes when we mailed the invitations. 

When looking for tea cups for the baby dolls, I ordered these thinking they would be small enough. When they arrived, I realized they were too big for the dolls, but would be perfect for the girls. Madison loved them and was so excited that she would have a REAL cup. I cut a lot of flowers on my Cricut and put one on each side of the cup. I tried to make them look like the ones they gave us for the dolls at the American Girl Cafe. I ordered these mugs from Discount Mugs for about .45 each. The tiny silverware is in the party section at Hobby Lobby. I've found lots of uses for them at parties! 

Here are a few more pictures of the room! We all had so much fun! It was a special day to spend with our girls! I still can't believe my baby girl is 5!!